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Welcome to the Congregation Har Shalom Family


We at Congregation Har Shalom are delighted that you have chosen to join our congregational family. We hope that you will become an active participant in the life of our community. We offer a host of worship, learning, cultural and social opportunities. We encourage you to explore and sample the rich Jewish life available within our community, and partner with us to create new opportunities as well.


It’s important to acknowledge all of the wonderful things we are able to offer here at Har Shalom:


  • Spiritual Leader

  • High Holy Day Services & Passover Seder

  • Weekly Shabbat morning services

  • Religious School and Hebrew Education for members of all ages

  • An expansive Jewish Library for both children and adults

  • A synagogue that is available for life cycle events such as Bris, Baby Naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, and Funerals.


We are very committed to engaging our local community to assure that Judaism will flourish in the Four Corners. We are now asking you, our congregants, to consider giving back by making a membership donation. While we would not exclude anyone from our programs because of financial hardship, we want to stress that our current expenses add up every year to maintain our building and pay our staff.


Knowing that each family has unique financial circumstances, there is no set requirement for dues, but rather a recommended amount of $1000 for families ($83 per month) or $500 for individuals ($42 per month), which is the amount it costs to maintain our organization. You can make monthly, yearly or a one-time payment while keeping your financial information secure.  For additional questions, you can email  Any contribution that you can make would be greatly appreciated, knowing that all of us are responsible for the current and future health of our congregation. Your membership donation to Har Shalom is tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt acknowledging your support. ​ ​


Please complete the information via the link below. This will enable the Har Shalom staff to learn how best to welcome and engage you, as well as mark personal milestones with you. Once you have completed the form, we will be in touch with you to answer any questions you may have, as well as set up a tour of the congregation and introduce you to our Har Shalom family.

Regular Services


Shabbat Services

Lay-led Shabbat service and Torah study. 


Please contact us for more information or complete this form prior to visiting for the first time. Feel free to email, text or call.


About Us


Har Shalom is translated as Mountain of Peace. Our synagogue is located in Durango, Colorado, the heart of the Four Corners region of the United States. 


Congregation Har Shalom serves as the source for Jewish community and spirituality for a 200-mile radius around the Four Corners. Congregants often travel over one hour to attend services and participate in Jewish community events at our Durango synagogue. 


Apply for Membership


Update Membership Information








P.O. Box 9199

Durango CO 81302



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